How do you say to know in Portuguese? Conhecer and saber in European Portuguese
If you are learning Portuguese, you might have at some point confused the verbs conhecer and saber. They both mean […]
If you are learning Portuguese, you might have at some point confused the verbs conhecer and saber. They both mean […]
Já is a Portuguese adverb of time that has many meanings. Learn and understand how to use this small yet complex verb like a pro!
Want to learn Portuguese in 2024? My personal tips to learn Portuguese. Find a list of everything you need and a lesson plan with free online lessons
What is passive listening? How can you use passive listening to improve your language skills? All the answers in this blog post!
European Portuguese and Mandarin Chinese are not as different as you may think. Find out the 4 similarities between Mandarin and Portuguese.
Learn how to greet in Portuguese. Learn all the greetings and farewells you need in European Portuguese and travel to Portugal with confidence
Learn how to say what you like and don’t like in European Portuguese. All the vocabulary you need to talk about hobbies in Portuguese.
Your guide to learn and use the French past tenses: French Imparfait and Passé Composé explained + practice exercises
Learn about French fashion and French clothing vocabulary plus go to the clothing store in France confidently. + A Free PDF cheat sheet
How Can You Learn Multiple Languages at the Same Time? Here are 7 Practical Tips to Help You Turn Into a Polyglot and Master Multiple Languages.