How to talk about your hobbies in European Portuguese
Hobbies and interests are a very common first topic when meeting a new person and in language learning. To learn to speak Portuguese, or any other language, you must learn to talk about hobbies, say what you like and don’t like, which will help you build rapport with Portuguese natives.
Throughout your Portuguese language learning, you will with no doubt have to discuss your interests.Whether you’re a fan of sports, arts, or music, expanding your vocabulary related to hobbies will enable you to discuss your passions and engage in conversations with Portuguese speakers. In this blog post, you will find a collection of vocabulary words and phrases to help you express your hobbies in European Portuguese.
*This is part of the CIPLE A2 exam syllabus. If you are taking the exam, pay close attention to this post’s content and save it in your bookmark to never lose it. *
How to say I like in Portuguese + Useful expressions
When talking about hobbies in Portuguese, you must be able to say you like or don’t like something.
Eu gosto de…
I like
Eu não gosto de …
I don’t like…
(Tu) Gostas de…?
Do you like..? (informal)
(Você) Gosta de…?
Do you like..? (formal)
Teacher tip: remember you can drop the pronoun in most cases, as long as you remember the verb conjugation properly.
Popular Hobbies in European Portuguese:
Let’s begin by exploring some popular hobbies that many people enjoy in Portuguese-speaking countries. Here are a few examples:
Artes – arts:
Cinema – cinema
Pintar – to paint
Desenhar – to draw
Fotografia – photography
Literatura – literature
Ir a museus – to go to museums
Desportos – sports:
Ir ao ginásio – to go to the gym
Correr – to run
Jogar futebol – to play football
Andar de bicicleta – to bike
Em casa – at home:
Ler – to read
Ver futebol – to watch football
Ver um filme – Watch a movie
Fora – out:
Tomar café – to have a coffee
Ir ao cinema – to go to the cinema
Ir ao restaurante – to go to the restaurant
Ir às compras – to go shopping
Verb to Play European Portuguese + Example Sentences:
Now, let’s expand our vocabulary with essential terms related to hobbies in European Portuguese. The verb to play is trickier than in English, so make sure to know the differences. Familiarise yourself with these words and phrases to express your hobbies and understand conversations about them:
a. Brincar (To play):
Esta criança está sempre a brincar
This kid is always playing.
b. Jogar futebol (To play football)
Eles costumam jogar futebol todas as semanas.
They usually play football every week.
c. Tocar um instrumento (To play an instrument):
Ele aprendeu a tocar guitarra quando era jovem.
He learned to play the guitar when he was young.
Discussing Hobbies in European Portuguese:
Now that we have expanded our vocabulary, let’s explore how to discuss hobbies in European Portuguese. Here are some useful phrases and example sentences:
Qual é o teu hobby favorito?
What is your favourite hobby?
O meu hobby favorito é cozinhar.
My favourite hobby is cooking.
O que gostas de fazer nos tempos livres?
What do you like to do in your free time?
Gosto de ler livros e assistir a filmes.
I enjoy reading books and watching movies.
Praticas algum desporto?
Do you play any sports?
Sim, pratico ténis.
Yes, I play tennis.
Exploring hobbies is a fantastic way to connect with others, express yourself, and find joy in your free time. By expanding your vocabulary related to hobbies in European Portuguese, you can confidently discuss your passions, understand conversations about hobbies, and engage with the Portuguese-speaking community. So, whether you’re grabbing a paintbrush, hitting the sports field, or playing your favourite instrument, let your hobbies be the gateway to an exciting linguistic and cultural journey in European Portuguese!
Remember, practice and immersion are key to mastering vocabulary related to hobbies. Incorporate these words and phrases into your everyday conversations, join hobby-related communities, and explore European Portuguese resources centred around your favourite pastimes. Enjoy the journey and may your hobbies bring you endless fulfilment in the vibrant world of European Portuguese. Divirta-te! (Have fun!)
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