If you recently moved to Portugal, or are planning to move, you are probably wondering what Portuguese celebrate. Here is a list of every public holiday in Portugal in 2024 and what they represent!

A lot of Portuguese holidays are based on Catholicism although many are no longer traditionally celebrated. 

How to Say Public Holiday in Portuguese? – Portuguese vocabulary 

O feriado 
the public holiday

When a day is chosen by the government to be a national celebration, it is called “feriado”. So you will often hear:

Amanhã é feriado! Que bom. Não preciso de me levantar cedo.
Tomorrow is a holiday! Amazing. I don’t need to get up early.

Not sure how to say “holiday” in Portuguese? Watch this 👇


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What Changes During Portuguese Public Holidays? 

There are certain things you must know about public holidays in Portugal:


    • Transport schedules are reduced (usually they use the same schedule as Sundays)

    • Most shops will either be closed or reduce their opening times

    • Same for restaurants, gyms, etc

    • Depending on the holiday, there might be celebrations or parades, so some streets might be blocked. 

What are the Portuguese Public Holidays in 2024?

Public Holidays in Portugal 2024

New Year’s Day (Ano Novo) – January 1st (Monday)

The year kicks off with the joyous celebration of New Year’s Day, marked by festivities, fireworks, and gatherings across Portugal. It’s a time for new beginnings and setting intentions for the year ahead.

Good Friday (Sexta-feira Santa) – March 29th 

Observed by many Portuguese as a religious holiday, Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It’s a day of reflection and religious ceremonies across the country. 

Religious families will go to church and will not eat meat on that day. 

Easter Sunday (Páscoa) – March 31st (Sunday)

Easter Sunday, a Páscoa, is one of the most important holidays in Portugal, alongside Christmas. Most families will gather for a meal and certain families will exchange small gifts, especially between godparents (padrinhos) and godchildren (afilhados). 

Freedom Day (Dia da Liberdade) – April 25th (Thursday)

Freedom Day marks the Carnation Revolution of 1974 when Portugal overthrew its authoritarian regime. Celebrations include parades, concerts, and events honoring freedom and democracy.

Labor Day (Dia do Trabalhador) – May 1st (Wednesday)

On Labor Day, Portugal acknowledges the contributions of workers nationwide. It’s a time for demonstrations, rallies, and cultural events highlighting labor rights and solidarity.

Portugal Day (Dia de Portugal) – June 10th (Monday)

Portugal Day commemorates the death of Luís de Camões, a renowned Portuguese poet. Celebrations include cultural displays, concerts, and events showcasing Portugal’s heritage.

Assumption of Mary (Assunção de Nossa Senhora) – August 15th (Thursday)

This religious holiday honors the Assumption of Mary into Heaven. It’s a day for religious observances and cultural traditions in various regions.

Republic Day (Implantação da República) – October 5th (Saturday)

Republic Day marks the establishment of the Portuguese Republic in 1910, ending the monarchy. Festivities include parades, concerts, and historical exhibitions.

All Saints’ Day (Dia de Todos os Santos) – November 1st (Friday)

All Saints’ Day is a day to honor and remember deceased loved ones. Families gather to visit cemeteries, laying flowers on graves and reflecting on memories.

Restoration of Independence (Restauração da Independência) – December 1st (Sunday)

This holiday commemorates Portugal’s restoration of independence from Spanish rule in 1640. It’s a day of national pride with historical reenactments and cultural events.

Day of the Immaculate Conception (Dia da Imaculada Conceição) – December 8th (Sunday)

The Day of the Immaculate Conception celebrates the Catholic belief that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was conceived without original sin on December 8th. It honors her purity and prepares for the birth of Jesus.

Christmas Day (Natal) – December 25th

Christmas in Portugal is a time of family gatherings, festive meals, and exchanging gifts, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

Other important days in Portugal: 

Carnaval (Carnival) – February 13th (Tuesday)

Carnival, a lively and colorful festival, takes place in February, leading up to Lent. It’s a time of parades, costumes, music, and dancing, where communities come together to revel in the festive spirit.

Father’s Day (Dia do Pai) – March 19th (Tuesday)

Mother’s Day (Dia da Mãe) – May 5th (Sunday)


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