Are you looking to master Portuguese grammar? Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned learner, understanding Portuguese grammar rules can be challenging. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! In this blog post, I’ll dive into the essential Portuguese grammar concepts that will help you speak and write like a pro. From verb conjugation to noun gender and sentence structure, you’ll find everything you need to know to improve your Portuguese language skills. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s explore the fascinating world of Portuguese grammar together!
Where to start?
Basic Portuguese Grammar Structure (Posted)
How to Start Learning a Language (posted)
The Subject Group
Like in most Latin languages, the noun plays a key role in the Portuguese sentence, as it determines every other part of the sentence. Find here everything you need about pronouns, nouns, adjectives, and how they interact with each other. Number, singular, plural, gender, masculine, feminine, and all of that jazz.
Formal and Informal in Portuguese (Posted)
Accords: Feminine and Masculine (Posted)
The Verbal Group
Portuguese verbs can be a headache for some. Each verb has about 50 variations, including simple tenses and composed tenses. This part combines everything you need to know about Portuguese verbs and includes REAL LIFE sentences that natives would say. Say goodbye to Duolingo’s strange sentences
The 50 Essential Verbs
To take in Portuguese – all the variations (posted)
Ser vs Estar (posted)
- O Passado em Português – Past tenses – Imperfeito, pretérito simples (PPS), Mais-que-Perfeito, Pretérito Perfeito Composto
- Conjuntivo – Subjonctive
Adverbs are key to make yourself understood, even when your conjugations are not quite right. They describe locations, periods of time, make comparisons, and highlight how any action is done. Without them, a sentence would be meaningless.
Adverbs of time (posted)
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of location
Adverbs with -ment
Those little annoying words that follow a verb or precede a noun and can change the whole meaning of a sentence. De, a, por, para, com…
Preposições e artigos – prepositions and articles combined